How to Run a Successful Board Meeting

Successful board meetings are an important part of establishing corporate strategy and governance. Apply these tips to help your property management board meeting become more efficient and productive.

Prepare for the meeting

There are several things you can do before your board meeting to help it run smoothly. To help reduce confusion, make sure everyone is on the same page before the meeting starts. Distribute board packets to Officers and Directors well ahead of time so that they can review the subject matter and make revisions if necessary. If possible, hold a quick touch-base between the Meeting Chair and the Property Manager(s). Verify that the attendees have a good understanding of the discussion points, and are ready to clearly articulate their position.

Stick to the agenda

Time is valuable, so it is important to stick to the agenda as closely as possible. Establish time restraints for all speakers to prevent the meeting from going overtime. Board meetings are not the proper place for brainstorming, so try your best to keep all discussion on topic. Enforcing these rules will help you to address all topics in a timely manner. 

Motions, not emotions

Do not tolerate disruptive behavior of any kind. Refrain from making decisions based solely on emotions. Rather, keep meetings professional by allowing board members to present their motions, followed by a second to the motion. This method benefits all attendees by allowing constructive criticism for one topic at a time. This is why a structured agenda is key for a successful board meeting – it keeps emotions in check and encourages a productive exchange of ideas. 

Meeting minutes

Minutes are a summary of motions made and actions taken, not a verbatim transcript of everything that was said. Minutes can vary in the level of detail they offer, but they generally cover:

  • All board members in attendance
  • Progress on ongoing items
  • Votes or decisions made
  • Next steps for any resolutions made

Modern best practice is to make meeting minutes accessible digitally rather than physical copies. 

Apply feedback

Be open to suggestions! Communication is the key to successful board meetings. After the meeting, ask those in attendance for feedback. Make sure your conclusions are rooted in what your employees think, not how you personally feel. If your team feels engaged and effective, you’re on the right track.